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Junior Coach Program

Cali Coast Elite loves to encourage our older athletes to become positive role models for the younger kids. A great way to do that is to become a CCE Junior Coach. We will be considering a small number of athletes to serve as junior coaches each season. To be considered as a Junior Coach, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Apply to Betty by filling out the request form below . 

  • Get written approval from 3 CCE coaches to give to Betty

    • Must be a leader/role model on your current teams.  That includes not missing practice, wearing the correct practice gear, working hard and setting a good example. 

  • Schedule 3 private lessons with a current coach ( must pay them the correct private lesson fee) to learn proper CCE techniques for spotting level 1 tumbling

  • Attend 1 practice of each team you are not on to shadow the current coach. Each coach will give written approval to Betty that you shadowed them and were helpful, not distracting the teams. 

  • Must attend all CCE staff trainings scheduled over the summer

  • All first year Jr. coaches will be considered a “volunteer” their first year of coaching.  Second year Jr. coaches can trade tuition money for work. Third year coaches will be put on payroll depending on position.

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